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INFOPRENEUR!  "Owning *YOUR OWN* proprietary product is all-important for success on Net. Actually, it's the single most important" (Ken Evoy, M.D.)
YES! Having your own is singled-out as the most important way through which YOU will succeed in doing business on the internet. The following is an excerpt from what Dr. Evoy says about being an infopreneur...
   (Ken Evoy, MD is the President of GoodBytes Information Products Inc.) 

YOUR OWN PRODUCT ! What a statement.  Think of  your hidden talents, skills, or knowledge on subjects of your interests that you enjoy doing. Now, discover the way how you would be able to 'package' such skills or knowledge, or passion into something you can share with others. Imagine that you can turn that 'package of information' into a product that you can sell. 

Rediscover yourself... Discover your potentials. 

You'd say to yourself: "Yes! I have the potentials in me. But...what do I really have? And how would I be able to convert it into something that I can sell?"   I agree with you... WHAT?  HOW?

Internet business is a game of numbers where your market is global. To succeed on the net, you have to do 3 things: 
    Develop a great product
    Make a site that sells
    Build targeted traffic.

Finally, consider these two things about yourself:
You have the KNOWLEDGE that is of value to someone else... Most probably,   YOU don't even know how valuable it is!
YOU have  a limited budget and means.
Let's talk about the single most important factor to succeed at selling on the Net... 

- no, it's not your site  and  no, it's not your traffic, either.
- yes! it's YOUR PRODUCT.

"YOUR PRODUCT" -- because it has to be YOUR proprietary product. If you don't control your product, you don't control your business. If you control your product, you control everything... quality, supply, pricing, etc. And remember:  if you don't have a product that delivers important, valuable benefits at a great price - then, you DON'T have a product.

Now... let's put YOU and YOUR PRODUCT together. What's the simplest, fastest, and most risk-free way to do that?   Develop KNOWLEDGE-based products. And here's the best news about KNOWLEDGE-based products... it's not only the best way to go, it's the most DO-able. 


Three reasons why KNOWLEDGE-based products (also called "infoproducts") are very DO-able...
Reason #1: Everything you need is ALREADY between your ears! You may not yet realize it, but you know stuff that other people don't... things people would pay to know. So you're already very close to profiting from your knowledge.

Reason #2: There *IS* a market for what you know. You assume that everyone knows what you know, or that what you know does not have much valueWrong!

Reason #3:  All you need is a roadmap that will show you:
How to pull it out of your brain
How to publish it
How to sell it on the Net

So... HOW?

Discover MYKS!  It will show you clearly, and exactly, how to pull the best, most marketable ideas out of your brain, and how to develop them into saleable infoproducts. Then, it shows how to market and sell them on the Net. Absolutely everything is in MYKS!, from brainstorming to automating your order-processing.

I don't care *WHAT* your personal situation is. It does not matter whether you can get a merchant  account or not. It does not matter if technology overwhelms you.

You *DO* have to possess attitude... the desire to grab control of your life by mining what's in your brain and selling it on the Net.

Here's the summary of what you just discovered on this page: 

The "Product" is the single most important part of any Net marketing mix. Yes, site-selling and traffic-building are key, but only AFTER you have "YOUR OWN" great product.

You think  that it's difficult and expensive to develop your very own proprietary product. Most people can never develop and manufacture any kind of hard goods or software?  Nope!

And -  with the assistance of MYKS!  you can...

Create your own product to sell 
(click above or banner below to discover the power of  MYKS!)  

          You have a treasure that no one else have.           All you have to do is dig.

 You have a treasure that you may not have been aware of - simply because no one has ever told you "HOW TO"... Well, NOT anymore... Here's the link that will take you to *The Guide* that will show you HOW!


 Banner 10000031 

 GOT 175x45a.gif 

Okay. So, you have conceptualized and decided to develop YOUR PRODUCT? Great! Prepare yourself to sell in the Net. The banners you see on the left, and those below will  lead you to important insights on what to use and how to proceed. 

Now, get a cup of coffee or a a cup of hot chocolate. Then, get all the related information you need from each one of them. 

And just before you do that, take a couple of minutes to enroll yourself to a FREE 5-day e-mail course to help you in making YOUR WEBSITE that SELLS!  Click below.

FREE! Click here to send a blank e-mail and receive "The Affiliate Masters" course...   It's  an intensive 5-Day e-mail course on becoming a high-earning affiliate champion......    Compliments of Rab's Home

Your business is not complete without registering  your OWN domain name  and make your presence in the Net . Check this one out for 50% savings! Click banner below for information.

 Banner 10000034    

     Discover the Philippines, re-discover Asia, tour the world! 


Copyright © 2001 Rabie's Home Marketing
Last modified: January 29, 2004